Google Spreadsheet Post #1516
Yogi Anand, D.Eng, P.E. ANAND Enterprises LLC -- Rochester Hills MI Feb-05-2014
post by Bee Lini (!mydiscussions/docs/kGuhFo4uWgU)
Multiple QUERY and Select Col help with New Google Sheets
Hi Gurus,
I have a formula, probably not a very efficient or short one, but it use to work with the old sheets. While using the new Google sheets I have not been able to get it to work anymore. I'm really not sure where my mistake in formula is.
Here's the error that results:
Error: Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2: NO_COLUMNCol3
If anyone could please take a look and let me know what I'm doing wrong I would appreciate it. Here's a link:
If anyone can figure out a more efficient way to write the formula - I'm all ears!
Yogi presented a solution in his blog posts:
I have tried
Yogi Anand, D.Eng, P.E. ANAND Enterprises LLC -- Rochester Hills MI Feb-05-2014
post by Bee Lini (!mydiscussions/docs/kGuhFo4uWgU)
Multiple QUERY and Select Col help with New Google Sheets
Hi Gurus,
I have a formula, probably not a very efficient or short one, but it use to work with the old sheets. While using the new Google sheets I have not been able to get it to work anymore. I'm really not sure where my mistake in formula is.
=query(query(index('Copy of Master Data'!B:AE),"select "&join(",","Col"&query(index(if (B1:B29="x",row(B1:B29),)),"select* where Col1 is not null " ))), "select* where Col1='"&G2&"' and Col3 <= date '"&text(G4,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' and Col3 >= date '"&text(G3,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' ")
Here's the error that results:
Error: Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2: NO_COLUMNCol3
If anyone could please take a look and let me know what I'm doing wrong I would appreciate it. Here's a link:
If anyone can figure out a more efficient way to write the formula - I'm all ears!
Yogi presented a solution in his blog posts:
for use in New Google Sheets, see
yogi_Working With Source Data As A Formula Output In New versus Old Google Sheets - part 4
for use in Old Google Sheets, see
yogi_Working With Source Data As A Formula Output In New versus Old Google Sheets - part3
His solution has led me to another question: I would like to skip the Name data (Column E), so its not repetitive, in the following equation :
=ArrayFormula(query(filter('Master Data' !B:I,('Master Data'!B:B>=G3)*('Master Data'!B:B<=G4)*('Master Data'!E:E= G2)+(row('Master Data'!B:I)=1)),"select "&join(",","Col"&FILTER(row(B:B ),B:B="x"))))
=ArrayFormula(query(filter('Master Data' !B:I,('Master Data'!B:B>=G3)*('Master Data'!B:B<=G4)*('Master Data'!E:E= G2)+(row('Master Data'!B:I)=1)),"select "&join(",","Col"&FILTER(row(B:B ),B:B="x")), *"skip Col5"))
I have updated my sheet and expected results. Please take a peek!
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