Google Spreadsheet Post #1515
Yogi Anand, D.Eng, P.E. ANAND Enterprises LLC -- Rochester Hills MI Feb-05-2014
post by john_nc (!category-topic/docs/spreadsheets/yk4ddMEFkJ4)
Filter issue with using Wildcards for Cell Data
Yogi Anand, D.Eng, P.E. ANAND Enterprises LLC -- Rochester Hills MI Feb-05-2014
post by john_nc (!category-topic/docs/spreadsheets/yk4ddMEFkJ4)
Filter issue with using Wildcards for Cell Data
Thank you ahead of time for any assistance you can offer!!
I have a formula that is set to count data based on information from a certain cell, which is "A2" in this case.
=counta(iferror(filter(FormResponses!D:D,FormResponses!D:D= A2)))
The delima I have is that I want to be able to say if it has any A2 or more infomation. I know you can do this if you were to use Wildcards and exact data like below....
=counta(iferror(filter(FormResponses!D:D,FormResponses!D:D= "*Something*" )))
With above it would count all sells that had the word Something in it.
Is there a way to modify the first formula I posted to have wild cards so it's counting the words from A2 even if there is more than that information in the cell??
I need it to pull from the cell as it's counting information for multiple rows which are different.
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