Google Spreadsheet Post #1522
Yogi Anand, D.Eng, P.E. ANAND Enterprises LLC -- Rochester Hills MI Feb-08-2014
post by NZ Andy (!mydiscussions/docs/Ab7T28zRqq0)
lookup and count results from a multiple range of rows and columns
Yogi Anand, D.Eng, P.E. ANAND Enterprises LLC -- Rochester Hills MI Feb-08-2014
post by NZ Andy (!mydiscussions/docs/Ab7T28zRqq0)
lookup and count results from a multiple range of rows and columns
I'm recording some results for a local club competition and have the data stored on google docs.
I want to calculate the number of wins and total games for each player.
I have pivot tables for each team of doubles, triples or quads - which is what I use the join function to create - but how can I get a formula to calculate a win/loss record for each individual person in the club.
I do have a list of the club members so could use that to create the look for string table ?
The link should give you a simple summary.
In the sheet marked "overall" I've tried to frame up the sort of table I'm looking for - if I can't get Wins & Losses then wins and total would suffice.
I've used the join function to create a team for the groups - was thinking that searching for the person string from "Overall" sheet in column "F" of Data sheet and then looking up in the result column and counting - would be the plan.
It seems like the index function is the way but no idea how to frame it up.
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