Monday, November 5, 2018

yogi_Present Data Combined From Different Tabs With Month Names Sorted By Months

Google Spreadsheet   Post  #2536

Yogi Anand, D.Eng, P.E.      ANAND Enterprises LLC -- Rochester Hills MI     Nov-05-2018

Can I do a summary sheet of several data from different groups that stacks per month?
Hi everyone! I hope someone could help me with my problem. I'm establishing a running database where I collect entries/data from different people from different groups and then I collate everything MONTHLY in order to come up with a monthly report capturing their entries every month. I was able to standardize the source database already where each group will be asked to choose a number of their preferred entries through the checkbox column. I wanted to have a separate sheet summarizing (or rather copying) those preferred data. I was able to come up with a QUERY formula that will do this, and it was useful at first since it only stacks all data in a single month, although they're queried BY GROUP. But I realized that I would need the summary sheet to stack BY MONTH, instead. Can you help me with a formula that will provide me with this? Thank you!

P.S. I am providing a sample data for you to visualize it more. Click here. I also provided 2 "summary sheets", one with the current state, and one with the desired state.

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