Wednesday, August 22, 2018

yogi_parse cell data across multiple rows of data and display only the parsed value

Google Spreadsheet   Post  #2494

Yogi Anand, D.Eng, P.E.      ANAND Enterprises LLC -- Rochester Hills MI     Aug-22-2018

question by: runners4wellness!topic/docs/FXH4RSRkC7Y;context-place=mydiscussions
How can I parse cell data across multiple rows of data and display only the parsed values?
I am working on variable replacement functionality and attempting to pluck out the data within braces (ie. {variable data} ). The Green table data is the source of what I'm trying to split and transpose, which I'm able to do for B2 ONLY. For some reason, I'm not able to split out anything beyond B2. I'm guessing that I need an ArrayFormula correctly in my below QUERY formula, but unable to get this to work correctly. 

Does anyone have any insights or able to lend a hand? Thanks, in advance!

The range for the data under Template is RaceRosterAddlDetails:B1:B
The start time for the relay is {SubEventData!6HOUR RELAY2:StartTime} and the Deferral Fee on March 31st is {SubEventData!6HOUR RELAY2:DeferralFeeBy0331}
The fun run event will be on Friday at {SubEventData!SANTA FUN RUN:StartTime}
I am expecting the yellow highlighted text above to be displayed below, as well. The formula that I'm using below is attempting to pull in the yellow highlighted text (without the open and closed braces "}". 

=QUERY({TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(RaceRosterAddlDetails!$B$2:$B,"\{(.*)\}"))},"select Col1 where Col1 contains ':'",0)

My expected results would include the highlighted value from the above Template data, but it doesn't currently. The sheet where this is located should not impact the query that I'm trying to write.

Created Content VariablesContent Variable Replacement Value
SubEventData!6HOUR RELAY2:StartTime12:00 AM
SubEventData!6HOUR RELAY2:DeferralFeeBy0331$30
SubEventData!SANTA FUN RUN:StartTime (Missing this)

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