Google Spreadsheet Post #2501
Yogi Anand, D.Eng, P.E. ANAND Enterprises LLC -- Rochester Hills MI Aug-31-2018
question by: Shannon!topic/docs/bUx3SKhLxVg;context-place=mydiscussions
Using Days of Week with IF Function
I have the table at the link below. Blue text is manually inputted, everything else is formulas. So I input "Aug 29". The Aug 30 cell has the formula "=C4+1". Column B is set equal to Column C with a different date format.
The "Read To" column is the page number I need to read to in my textbook that day (based on cells that are out of view and working fine). I don't read on Sundays so I'm trying to get all Sunday rows to say the previous day's page number. So cell D8 would say 41 to match Saturday.
My "Read To" column is using this formula:
=IF($B6 = "Sun", D5, D5+$I$4)
I4 is the cell containing the number of pages to read each day, so not worried about that. "Sun" doesn't seem to be what Google Sheets perceives to be in cell B8 and I'm not sure what to replace it with. The formula in cell B8 is: =C8 (with different date formatting than C8).
Any ideas on how to get the IF function to recognize a day of the week?