Wednesday, April 25, 2012

yogi_Using SUMIF Function And Wild Card * With Date Entries In Google Docs Spreadsheet

Yogi Anand, D.Eng, P.E.       Google Spreadsheet    Post  #515    Apr 25, 2012

user Firevelociraptor said: 
Google Excel Sum If Help I would like to do a sumif function that is like Excel's wildcard. 
This is the example: =sumif(B:B,"*January*",D:D) So that, the search in column B will come up with the corresponding prices in column D even when the date is formatted to include the day and year. 
following is a discussion on and a solution to the problem


  1. Thanks a ton, this is exactly what I was looking for!

  2. Hi Ton

    I'm looking for a way to combine a reference to a cell and a search function. In my situation I thought it would work in this way:

    =countif(C:F;"* A2 *")

    do you know how to combine these two?

  3. Hi han van de Werken:

    If your preceding comment is indeed intended for a person name Ton ... my apologies.

    However, if the preceding comment is intended for me -- my name is Yogi -- then please explain more clearly what you are planning to accomplish.

    Make It A Great One.
    Cloud Computing -- Google Docs Way
