Sunday, June 23, 2013

yogi_ Determine Availability Of Staff By Name From Data In Project Management Info Table

                                          Google Spreadsheet   Post  #1259
Yogi Anand, D.Eng, P.E.      ANAND Enterprises LLC -- Rochester Hills MI   Jun 23, 2013
user CK Vijay Bhaskar (!category-topic/docs/spreadsheets/DbKsYuAhek0)
Multiple Condition Issue
This is my problem statement - 
To check if a person is free between a given set of date range. 
I tried searching in the group, and I incorporated some of the suggestions based which I got the solution for Excel, but not for Google Spreadsheet. 
I have a task sheet with multiple set of tasks assigned to various people. Each row as the task name/details, person responsible, plan/actual start and end date.
I am trying to determine the availability of the person based on the plan start/end date across the tasks.
I was successfully able to do this in Excel using this formula - 
Where -
Data!D:D has the range containing all the people
$C$1 - is the name against which I am searching
A2 = is the date which I am checking if it is falling between two date ranges. The A column contains the days within each month against which I am checking if the person is available or not.
Data!I:I = contains the range of plan start date
Data!J:J = contains the range of plan end date
But when I tried to do this in Google Spreadsheet, It is not giving me the the expected result. The formula I have used is this -
=IF(SUMPRODUCT(('Data'!$G:$G=$B$4)*(C$2>='Data'!$L:$L)*(C$2<='Data'!$M:$M))>0,"No","Yes"), where - Data!$G$G = name range
$B$4 = is the name against which I am searching
C$2 = date row
Data!$L:$L = Plan start Date range
Data!$M:$M = Plan end Date range
Any help would be great. Thanks in advance for your time. 
I was taking time to remove unwanted data.

As you will see, I need to track against the date if a person has planned a task or not so that I can see if the person is available or not for a particular date.

Hope this helps. 
Please do let me know if you would need some more info to arrive at the correct solution. 


  1. Also, can you please delete the two worksheets 'Dashboard' and 'interaction Design' please?
    I dont know how those two got missed from being deleted.

  2. You Are Very Welcome CK Vijay Bhaskar ... Now Let Us Keep Googling.

    Make It A Great One
    Cloud Computing -- Google Docs Way
