Google Spreadsheet Post #2582
Yogi Anand, D.Eng, P.E. ANAND Enterprises LLC -- Rochester Hills MI Jan-30-2019
question by: Erin Sublette:!topic/docs/y8kWoymOxRA;context-place=forum/docs
How To Vlookup Values Across Multiple Worksheets To Return Sheet Names
I would like to search multiple sheets in a workbook for a name of someone and then in the cell specify the sheet name. Below is a link to my document.
How To Vlookup Values Across Multiple Worksheets To Return Sheet Names
I would like to search multiple sheets in a workbook for a name of someone and then in the cell specify the sheet name. Below is a link to my document.
On the Employee Info tab, I would like column B to reflect the sheet name (department) those workers are in.