Google Spreadsheet Post #1900
Yogi Anand, D.Eng, P.E. ANAND Enterprises LLC -- Rochester Hills MI Feb-20-2015
formula in this blog post is for Google New Sheets
Earlier in my following blog post I had formulation that worked in so called Google Old Sheets!mydiscussions/docs/kNTxdJA_QEI
how do I get a cell reflect "eight" when the formula is 4+4 instead of =8
how do I get a cell reflect "eight" when the formula is 4+4 instead of =8
how do I get a cell reflect "eight" when the formula is 4+4 instead of =8
how do I get a cell reflect "eight" when the formula is 4+4 instead of =8
This might be a better explanation.
The following formula =
(IF(OR(H3>1000000,H3<=0),"",IF (H3<1000,"",IF(MOD(H3,1000000) >=100000,INDEX(TRUNC(MOD(H3,10 00000)/100000,0))&" Hundred","")&IF(MOD(H3,100000) >=20000," "&INDEX(TRUNC(MOD(H3,100000)/1 0000,0))&IF(MOD(MOD(H3,100000) ,10000)>=1000,"-"&INDEX(TRUNC( MOD(MOD(H3,100000),10000)/1000 ,0)),""),IF(MOD(H3,100000)>=10 00," "&INDEX(TRUNC(MOD(H3,100000)/1 000,0)),""))&" Thousand") & IF(H3<1,"Zero Dollars",IF(MOD(H3,1000)>=100, " "&INDEX(TRUNC(MOD(H3,1000)/100 ,0))&" Hundred",""
Here is the the formula in excel:
=IF(OR(H3>1000000,H3<=0),"", IF(H3<1000,"",IF(MOD(H3, 1000000)>=100000,INDEX(numbers ,TRUNC(MOD(H3,1000000)/100000, 0)+1)&" Hundred","")&IF(MOD(H3,100000) >=20000," "&INDEX(tens,TRUNC(MOD(H3, 100000)/10000,0)+1)&IF(MOD( MOD(H3,100000),10000)>=1000,"- "&INDEX(numbers,TRUNC(MOD(MOD( H3,100000),10000)/1000,0)+1)," "),IF(MOD(H3,100000)>=1000," "&INDEX(numbers,TRUNC(MOD(H3, 100000)/1000,0)+1),""))&" Thousand") & IF(H3<1,"Zero Dollars",IF(MOD(H3,1000)>=100, " "&INDEX(numbers,TRUNC(MOD(H3, 1000)/100,0)+1)&" Hundred","")&IF(MOD(H3,100)>= 20," "&INDEX(tens,TRUNC(MOD(H3,100) /10,0)+1)&IF(MOD(MOD(H3,100), 10)>=1,"-"&INDEX(numbers, TRUNC(MOD(MOD(H3,100),10),0)+ 1),""),IF(MOD(H3,100)>=1," "&INDEX(numbers,TRUNC(MOD(H3, 100),0)+1),""))&"") & " and " & IF(MOD(H3,1)<0.005,"NO",ROUND( MOD(H3,1)*100,0)) & "/100 -----------")
See attached file for what I am trying to achieve. When I fill the amount box with $550.25 the amount written comes as "5 Hundred 5 and 25/100 -----------" instead of "Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars and 25/100-----------"
The attached file depicts the use of the formula in my previous post.
I hope this is more clear
Attachments (1)
Total Amount in Words : US$ Three thousand twenty one cents sixty nine only.